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Ghost Vehicles

Vehicles that come from out of nowhere really didn't.

How many times have you heard someone say, that car came from out of nowhere. Or, that vehicle was traveling too fast when it really wasn't. Fact is when you get scared your adrenaline goes up and things appear differently that what they really where.

We spoke to an accident reconstructionist to get a little clarity on this and this is what they had to say. A trained accident reconstructionist can usually tell what really happened without you even telling them the story. There is no such thing as a car or vehicle that appeared out of nowhere. One of these things is probably what most likely what happened. You pulled into the roadway too slow and a vehicle just happened to be coming, you didn't look good enough or at all and didn't see the vehicle which was right there before you pulled in front of it or you were operating your motorcycle properly but a vehicle was traveling faster than the posted speed limit or the speed limit for the area. In some cases it can be a combination of two or more factors. Either way an accident reconstructionist can usually tell according to the accident scene.

As a motorcyclist you should be more concerned about your right to live than your right to ride. When riding in familiar territory you should know the blind spots or the areas where motorist tend to speed or run stop signs. If possible avoid these spots but if not possible proceed with extra caution. The sooner you realize that no vehicle appears from out of nowhere the more cautious you'll be when riding in these areas.

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