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Just because they're a certified instructor doesn't mean they are a good teacher.

To start off this article isn't meant to bash anyone who may be a certified motorcycle instructor, actually it's meant to praise the good instructors. Having a piece of paper saying you are now legal to instruct riders is not enough. It takes patience, compassion and sometimes deviation from the book to help someone understand something in a manner that is familiar with them.

I have run into many instructors who were rude, beligerent and down right nasty and wondered why would they want to try and instruct anyone? As an instructor you expect your students to obey the rules yet many instructors can't do that themself. If someone doesn't get what you're trying to teach, see if there is another way to relay the same message in a way they can better understand.

As a student there are two types of motorcycle instructors you will encounter. 1. The new student instructor for those who are looking to obtain ther motorcycle license or endorsement. 2. The advanced student instructor for those who already have their license or endorsement.

In either scenario if you come across an instructor that lacks the qualities or abilities needed to teach you right, take your money and go elsewhere. There is more than one motorcycle instructor and you should get what you paid for and if your state gives you the option to report these bad instructors then do so.

Good luck with your learning and subscribe to our post to stay up on the latest articles and information.

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